Guess what y'all?!? It's my BIRTHDAY!!!!

So let me tell you, I spent 30 trying to right some wrongs, accomplish some goals, and rest from being in school all my life. & it was a great year. As always God provided. I fell short on a few goals but exceeded my expectations on others. But I can truly say that I’m proud of myself and I put my best foot forward on everything. 31 is here and I titled it the year of increase. Increase in my Faith, Health, and Wealth... I pray that this year God moves in my life like never before. I pray that God continues to reveal my purpose, continues to order and guide my steps, and continues to keep me healthy and whole.
As always I have a list of 31 things I want to accomplish by the end of the year. However let me add this disclaimer if any of this is not in God's will, I pray he redirects my focus and places me on his path.
Read more scripture
Read 31 books
Buy a house
Get my real estate license and become a certified interior designer
Sale a home
Attend three conferences
Continuing education classes (Higher Education )
Title IX certification
Host 6 Brunch with Brittany's
Save $10,000
Increase my credit score to 750
Increase my salary
Add two additional streams of income
Invest in stocks
Monetize my blog
Walk 7 miles a week
Lose 25 lbs. and maintain my weight
Cut beef and pork out of my diet
Release my children’s book
Transition out of my current job
Teach higher education courses
Continue the work of the Holloman foundation
Add three new clients for Real Talk with Dr. Bee
Two vending machines
Grow my hair
Attend Bible study
Go to therapy
Only eat out on Fridays
Speak with Friends and Family more
Travel abroad (if COVID-19 allows)
Love God, myself, and others
Honorable mention get married and have a baby 🙃
So again Happy Birthday to me!! I'm celebrating myself for the rest of the month!!!
