Welcome to AS TOLD BY BEE!!!! When I decided to become a blogger, my sole focus was on helping people just like myself navigate through the collegiate process..... however, that all changed very quickly. I am interested in and good at so many other things that I want to share with my people. So here we are. New Blog, New Look, New Content, but the same ole Bee.

As told by Bee is a safe space for the modern millennial woman! The working woman. The woman who knows adulting is ghetto. The baddie who loves brunch. The working mom. The woman struggling to become a mom. The fashionista. The baller babe. The babe who budgets well. & Every woman in between. This blog is a journey of where I am, where I’ve been, and where I’m going.
For my loyal readers thank you for sticking with me and for my newcomer's welcome. Join the conversation, follow me on social media and let's navigate through this together!
Check out the video below for some behind the scenes of our re-brand photoshoot.
