Ok if you’ve read the blog or saw my last IG post then you know I’ve bid goodbye to the Hill. Well for everyone asking what’s next...
I've accepted a great offer to serve as Deputy Athletic Director/ Senior Women's Administrator, as well as Director of the Dr. Herman Long Scholar Athlete Program and ya girl is now an Assistant Professor at Talladega College.
That’s a lot but you already know if I’m not doing 30 things then am I really working?!?
Talladega is an amazing liberal arts HBCU nestled in Talladega, Alabama. With an enrollment of 900 students, Tornado Valley is small but mighty. I have the opportunity to work with Championship teams to build and grow their programs. All while developing students into the best version of themselves. I am beyond grateful for this new opportunity. And I'm looking forward to what this new chapter will bring.

Before I wrap this up, I want to share one thing with you. Don't limit what God can do for you. When I took limitations off of God different doors opened up for me. Stay Tuned... The best is yet to come!
