So I’ve been in the house for a while now and let’s just thank Jesus that I haven’t completely lost my mind. I went on self-isolation a few weeks ago and yes I have since been cleared. I went into the situation thinking this would be great I love being at home. I mean everything I need is here. And I was one of those people who always thought working from home would be great. But little did I know after day 3 I would be going crazy.
I had to find ways to “survive the quarantine” so I wouldn’t continue down the rabbit hole or gain a million pounds. What I did was easy and it helped me out so much! So I wanted to share my tips and routine with you.
1. Stick to my regularly scheduled program.
Being at home can make you overly comfortable. Lounging in PJs and snacking all day. I had to learn to make it a point to stick to my normal schedule. Now let me say this I do sleep a little later than normal but I’m still up by 7:00 am, I pray, shower, get dressed, take the dog out, feed her, grab breakfast and I’m at the desk to work by 8:10 am. I turn on some music and rock out. I take a quick break at 10:00 and eat a snack, something light. Work until noon I take an hour of uninterrupted time. But I do NOT I mean do NOT lay down because I promise it would be a wrap. Back at it at 1:00 snack at 2:00 work until 5:00. At 5:00 I walk away from my beautiful dining room office and take my dog out.
2. When shopping don’t buy a lot of junk or easily accessible foods.
Now I'm normally not a snacker but I have to be honest the thought of being at home for an extended period makes you want to eat junk and eat it all day. To eliminate this I made sure to stick to my normal grocery routine. And I still cook at least three days a week. I try to make it feel as normal as possible. The only difference in my regime is now I cook a full breakfast.

3. Go outside!
Thankfully the weather has been nice. I go for extended walks and sit on my balcony a lot. Some days I even sit outside and work. I like to call it my version of “Every Sunny Wednesday” (AAMU insider lol)
4. I don’t nap or watch TV during the day.
I keep myself focused on the fact if I was at work I wouldn’t be able to sleep or binge my favorite shoes. But I do keep Spotify blasting. Click the link for my favorite playlist during this time.
Seriously you wouldn't be drinking if you weren't at home so instead of taking shots at noon grab some water and do something productive.
6. Group FaceTime’s are the best
I feel connected and like I am having good adult time with group facetime. I enjoy it and I get to stay connected to my friends, family, and students. 7. Do something your future self will thank you for.
I have taken the extra free time to work on branding, presentations, and updating my CV. I can't stress enough: Work on your business, write that book, launch that podcast/blog! And SAVE!! Don't spend money just because you are sitting at home! 8. Exercise
If you know me then you know sometimes I go extra hard and other times I barley take a walk. But me and Chyna have been going on long walks and doing some indoor workouts. YouTube has a ton of workout videos and a lot of them are pretty fun with great music.
9. Read a book or two

10. Quarataine and Chill
So as soon as my self-isolation was over I hosted a very small game night at home. It was the perfect time to just hang out with friend. A small gathering is good for the soul just set some rules and clean before and after.
11. Speak to GOD daily
Life can be difficult and times like this can be even worse . Speaking to God daily helps me in every area of my life. Remembering who God is will always help us process . God is a protector, provider, he is what we need, what we are looking for, the solution, the answer, and the Prince of Peace. Psalms 91 says "Those who in live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty! " Believe it, claim it !

I hope these simple things help you make it through this time.. Remeber to stay postive, stick to your daily routines, pray and keep your head up!
