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The Year of our Lord 2023

Dear God.... We Here!!!!

& For that, I can't say Thank You enough!!! 2022 was ghetto and I'm glad I survived it but even happier it is over. It wasn't the worst year of my life but my God it was rough. So rough this thug did a lot of crying and soul-searching. But again, the Lord kept me, so I won't complain.

I walked into 2022 with big goals, hopes and dreams and I almost lost sight of them because of a few bad things. But what I learned is that if you ask God, he will give you the desires of your heart. It may be hard but as long as you're alive you can make it through anything. Most importantly be SPECIFIC

Moving through 2023 I want each of you to do a few things:

1. Write your vision and make it plain.

2. Be Specific and I mean really specific! (I asked God for a lot, and he gave it to me, but I wasn't specific with the details so if you know you know lol)

3. Once you write it; make a plan and execute.

4. Don't let a bad moment ruin your day, week, month or year. Learn to deal and move on.

5. Speak to God daily.

6. Do things that make you happy!

7. & Remember God never said life would be easy, but he did promise to never leave or forsake us.

This can be the best year of your life if you make it that way!

Now may the tears you shed in 2022 turn to champagne. I pray more peace, love, joy, balance, and happiness over you ❤️

Happy New Year!


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