Well well well if you're reading this turn to your Neighbor and say we made it! Now that, that is out of the way WELCOME to 2024!
New year, new mercies, same God! 2023 was a good year. & Idk about y’all but just like any other year we hit a lot of highs and a lot of lows but guess what God kept us so the past doesn't matter. But what does matter is what we learned and for me, that is if you want to see God laugh tell him your plans. I walked into last year with a lot of big plans and to be honest, none of it came to pass. It was a year filled with totally unexpected blessings and lessons. I stood firm ready to receive them all no matter how they came at me because through experience I know who walks with me.
Now it's three things I did last year that kept me in position and I want each of you to try it in 2024 and see the difference it makes in your life:
Speak to God Daily!
Don't let a bad moment ruin your day, week, month or year. Learn to deal and move on.
Do the things that make you happy!
May the tears you shed in 2023 turn to champagne. I pray more peace, love, joy, balance, health, wealth, and happiness over you
Happy New Year!
